Freitag, 30. September 2011

ME: The Definitive Characteristic Of Humanity

What differs us from other creatures? That's a good question, but not easy to answer.
I would say that the definitive characteristic of humanity is that we are led by our emotions.
Everything we do is because of a feeling.
Of course also other creatures like animals have feelings. They feel pain if they are injured and feel hungry when they have nothing to eat. But they aren't led by their feelings, they are led by their instincts.
We make decisions by our feelings. For example has someone planned to study in his hometown, but now he suddenly realizes that he would like to see the world and concludes thereupon to work and travel one year in Australia first.
Other creatures, I'm comparing with animals, because they are most similar to humans, would never do this. They act - like I already said- on their instincts. They eat when they are hungry, sleep when they are tired and they are looking for a shelter when it's getting cold and they make a hibernating or move to the south. Not because they're got the travel bug, but to survive.
For the human from my example would it be more convenient to stay in his hometown, he has enough to eat, his family and a roof over his head. And nevertheless he goes away, because he craves for something new.
We humans dream and plan. We let us guide by our feelings and do things against all rationality and without any pretended sense only because of a feeling.
A picture can bring us to tears and a sunbeam to sing.
We don't live, like animals, only in the present, even if we would like to do it like "Live the moment". We always think of what was and what will be.
When we live in a rainy, grey town just the thought of a sunset at Pacific can make us happy.
When the human can't have something he imagines it or draws it and can also be satisfied with it.
At one morning we stand up and feeld bad and then we have a bad day and nothing works out the way it should. At the next morning we wake up and we are in a good mood and at once everything everything works. Because we are dependent on our emotions, they are a part of us and they are this what distinguishes us from other creatures.
Through our emotions we are capable of incredible things. Of hate, jealousy or revenge one human is able to kill another and at the same time he can love a human so much that we give him (or her) everything.
Our feelings let us do wonderful but also cruel things. Often because of the feelings to another human, or else the pursuit of power and wealth. We know that we have enough to live in comfort and nevertheless says our feeling that we could have more. And some people want this and enforce it.
When animals have a hideout, that is big enough for them, they would never come to the idea to draw on a second or third one.
But unlike animals, that are addicted to their instincts, do we have rationality. We can, based on our knowledge and our experience, picture the effects of an action and decide against it.
But we can use this also in a negative way, if we for example, have hunger we can abort it, because we have the feeling that we are too thick. Or we have the need to sleep, but we can resist the fatigue, because we want to party. This can go so far that a human dies. But that are extreme situations, naturally our emotions lead us the right way, 'cause the human is a life form, he wants to live and have a nice life. What that means depends on each individual human.
A piece of chocolate can make us happy, the smile of a friend gives us courage and a song makes us dance.
Another wonderful character of the human is the feeling of hope. We can go way for miles and miles, because we believe in something/someone bigger ans because of that we feel better, because we're hoping.
Even in desperate situations we can keep alive 'cause the feeling of hope don't let us give in.
Even if there's nothing, precisely nothing, the human can carry on, because there's a light in us, hope, and it leads us.
Dreaming, planning, hoping. That are the wonderful characters of humans.
All our thoughts and actions are led by our emotions. That's what I think is the definitive character of humanity.

Donnerstag, 22. September 2011

RE: USA - Germany

"When people always ask me, what the biggest difference between the US and Luxembourg is, it's always hard to answer because there are so many differences. Food, laws, school, weather, attitude of the people and much more are different from the things in California."

I know I already wrote about this theme in my introduction but there are so many differences between Germany and the US, just like Claire said. Probably I should write California - Germany, because I haven't been anywhere else in the US yet... Anyway, in my last post I wrote about the schools so I'll continue with food. Firstly, in the US everything is bigger, like Claire wrote too, e.g. the smallest coffeecup here is "tall", in Germany however "tall" is the biggest one. Or scoops of ice cream, pizzas... (a whole pizza in Germany costs as much as one slice here , but it has a different consistency, it's thinner and not with so much fat.) Generally there's not so much fast food in Germany. What I really miss here is a bakery with fresh wholewheat bread, buns, pretzels, croissants... But instead we have not as many Starbucks as here. In Augsburg we haven't a single one. Free water in restaurants is also unusual, you sometimes get it for free with a cup of coffee, but only in noble cafes.
Like the food it's also with cars: the smallest one here is one of the biggest in Germany. A funny thing is that my dad said in Germany how wasteful the Americans are, because they drive with open windows and turned on air conditioning and now he's doing the same. :) That isn't good of course, but it's always getting pretty hot in the car...
The weather is very different too, it's not as hot and sunny as here and we have much more rain. Oh and we have snow!
Like Claire said, the attitude of the people here is very different than of Germans. Not all, of course, but in general. In California everyone is so relaxed and open-minded. Like, when I went to a cafe with my family and we spoke German to each other, they said "Where are you guys from?" and after we told them "Welcome to the United States". Also on my first day of school here, everyone was so friendly, helpful and interested. And first of all you notice it in sports: When somebody almost score a goal they say "Good job" here, but in Germany you often hear a "Boo". I hope I can change my attitude here and come back to Germany with a more positive thinking!

CE: Google+ vs Facebook

Goole+ contra facebook, the big fight in the cyber world. I don't really care about this, but I use google a lot and the last time I opened it, there was a link for Google+, the new social network offered by google. When I'm on the internet I have always an open side from google, mostly google translator, google reader & blogger and also my homepage is But I'm not a member of Google+ and I think I won't be. Actually I'm against social networks, because I think who you are there, that's not the real you and people sometimes seem so different when you just look at their pages. But now that I'm far away from all my friends in Germany I'm glad to be on facebook, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to stay in contact with them. I also use skype, of course, but cause of the time difference I'm able to skype with them only weekends. In the video it says that Google+ offers a video call for up to ten people for free, but I'm not sure if it really works that well... well I think I won't use Google+, but I said the same about facebook and now I have it, so... But I prefer writing letters and postcards even if it takes more time, because it's more personal.

Dienstag, 20. September 2011

BC: In The Dark

I am alone. Alone in the dark, in a closed room with no key to open the door. I am scared, I feel like someone's compressing my throat and I can hardly breath. I am on the verge of screaming, but I can't. The fear holds me off. What if there's someone in the room, hiding behind a shelf with a knife in his hand, only a few foot away from me? A cold shower's running over my back. No one's in the house, who could hear me. I am all alone in the cellar. Wasn't there a noise? I'm not able to move. Stop! Stop thinking such a crap, you're alone in this room and it's dark, but that's no problem. You just have to find the key that you've dropped when you wind up in the spider's web. The spider. What if it's right in front of me? I feel like running but I am petrified. Calm down.

It all started with an empty bag of chips. I was watching TV, when I noticed that the the bag of chips was empty and because I was hungry, I stood up to go to the pantry. I grabbed the key and went to the basement. While I was unlocking the door, I heard the voices on the TV. I turned on the light and went inside. The door slammed. Our pantry is pretty big with lots of shelves that are full of stuff, so it took me a while to find the right shelf. Exactly in this moment when I saw the chips at the top of the shelf the light went out. It was pitch-dark and silent. No more noise from the TV. After I had recognized that it was a blackout I ran scared and hurried up to get to the door. I felt my way from one shelf to the next when I suddenly grabbed into a spider's web. I screamed, dropped the key and jumped back into a shelf. All things fell out. I heard a glass bursting and something hit my foot. I jumped back again and slipped. Aww, my foot. I touched my ankle and felt something liquid, clammy... eek, what was that? It smelled like... tomatosoup. I made a step forward.

And that's where I am now. Okay, where's the key? I touch the shelf beside me. Is this the shelf with the chips? Damn, why did I jumped back? Stop. The shelf with the chips was the... third one by the door. So let's go to the door and from there back to the third shelf. But wait. The key felt when I grabbed into the spider's web and that was... Gosh, I'll never find the key! If I had at least a flashlight. Come on! I make another step forward. My foot knocks against something. I bend down and touch the object... it feels cold and metallic... but it's too big for a key. A can opener! I stuck it in my pocket, maybe I'll need it later. I make two steps forward and stumble over a round thing. I fall to the ground. Aww, my ankle, again! I sample the floor around me. Nothing except cold, hard stone. But wait. My fingers hit against something metallic, scraggly - the key!  It takes a load off my mind. With new energy I stand up and make my way through the room. The end of the shelf, space, next shelf, space... wall! I sample the wall and come across another one. I'm in a corner. Behind me is the last shelf so I have to go to the right. One step, two steps, three.. I touch wood. The door! Now I need the keyhole. There's the door latch so the keyhole has to be under it. There it is! I breathe deeply. Yeah, I found it! I put the key into the lock and - suddenly the light comes on. For a short moment I am dazzled but then I realize what happened. The light's on! I look around. I've made a mess! Boxes, open bags, a broken glas and tomatosoup were scattered all over the floor. Let's get out of here! I turn the key and open the door. Surprise! In front of me stands my mother. That's too much. I fling my arms around my mother's neck and start to cry.

Samstag, 17. September 2011

FREE: Germany

I'll tell you something about my home country, because I think that most of you don't know so much about it.
The capital is Berlin, but honestly I've never been there. Going there is one of the first things I'll do when I'm back in Germany. Probably the most popular city is Munich and because I live in Augsburg (what's about half an hour away) I'm there almost every weekend. At the moment there's the "Oktoberfest", also known as the "Wiesn". All women wear a "Dirndl" and the men "Lederhosen", the typically Bavarian costume. The main activity is drinking original German beer. :) Beside the Oktoberfest, the "Nürnberger/ Augsburger Christkindlsmarkt" is also very popular. He takes place from the 21. november to the 24. december. It's a big Christmas market and it's known for its German "Bratwürste" and "Glühwein" and of course the "Nürnberger Lebkuchen". Another typical German dish is "Spätzle mit Soß". Hamburg and Cologne are also familiar cities. I love Hamburg, because it's the most beautiful port city in Germany and there's the only "Urban Outfitters" and many other great shops. :) Blankenese is a pretty residential area. I also like my hometown Augsburg of course. There is still much more to say about Germany, maybe in my next free post. :)

Donnerstag, 15. September 2011

RE: My Future

"Some people have their futures planned out and know exactly what they're going to do after high school. Then there are the people who don't even want to think about their future till Senior year."

That's a good topic to write about. I already thought about my future, but I don't know excatly what I'm going to do after high school. Well, nobody knows, life hardly ever goes the way you planned it. So I'd like to study at a university in London, even though I know that's hard and expensive. I haven't caught up on anything yet, but I love the city and the people there. Another wish for my future is to travel around the world. I'd like to see Ireland, Norway, Finland, Greece, Rome, Amsterdam, India, Canada, New York, Iceland, Africa and Luxembourg. And I'd like to work and travel in Australia for one year after school. You see, there are so many ways I'd like to go and it'll probably be different anyway. So after I've gained experiences and got to know other cultures and languages I would like to move to Sweden and start a family there. And my children should be educated bilingually. :) Well, right now I'm glad to be in America and the things I want to do next are getting finally 16 and enjoying my life!

Freitag, 9. September 2011

CE: Houses build for nothing !

I chose this video as my current event post, because I think it's so weird that they're building houses and now no one lives there! So, for what reason did they build them? As investments, ha, that's sick. I mean there are so many people in our world who have no home. So why, please, don't they build houses for them? Where this people need them! Well, on one hand I think it's a good idea to build a city in the desert, to use this space, but on the other hand: How get they water there? I think this is really money consuming and I'm not sure if it's useful. But doing all these expenditures and now this city is EMPTY is not just wasteful, it's rediciolus, because the houses won't look new forever! If no one's living there they will expire. There are so many people in need and I really can't understand why some rich guys let build houses as investments instead of helping those people! I don't want to imagine how much this project costed and how much work was needed and all this for nothing!

FREE: Sweden

I was thinking along time about which theme I should choose for the free I decided to write about Sweden, because it's my favourite country and Leonie's post has given me the idea. :) Well... I was in Sweden in 2009, so it's a bit ago, but I remember it well. I always wanted to go there, because I have a friend who's from Sweden and I read all the Astrid Lindgren books when I was a child. :) But I became really interested in it when I had to do a presentation for school about Sweden. I love the food there, like swedish pancakes or "Köttbullar", oh, and I love Ikea! :) Well, so I was very excited about the trip. It was not exactly as I imagined, but it was still great. Maybe even greater than I thought.We travelled around with a camper, so we saw many parts of Sweden. The landscape is really beautiful with all its lakes and forests and the seaside. And I like the red houses, which are typically for Sweden. I have just precious memories of the time I spent in Sweden.We mostly stayed at beautiful lakes, but we were in Stockholm, too. I love Stockholm! One H&M next to another. ;) H&M is from Sweden, so that's another reason why I love it. But that's of course not the only reason why I like Stockholm. It's so colorful and cheerful there. And although I can see on the pictures I took that it was rainy, I treasured sunny days. :) And I like the different styles there, the lovely buildings, the tiny cafes, the nice museums and the people... well, honestly I thought that there are only blond folks. :D But there were people from many different cultures, of course! And I like the language. I started to learn swedish with a friend in Germany and when we're good enough we want to go to Stockholm. At the moment I just know things like: "Jag heter Lotta. Vad heter du?" That means "My name's Lotta. What is your name?" I also want to visit Göteborg and Malmö and I'd like to be there when they celebrate midsummer.

Mittwoch, 7. September 2011

BE: About Me

Hi Everybody! Welcome to my Blog. I'm Lotta. My whole name is Carlotta, but I'd like to be called Lotta. :) I'm from Germany, but I'm staying in the US for half a year. So my writing goal for this year is to get better in English! ;)

My hobbies are dancing hiphop, listening to music, playing piano and taking pictures.
I'd like to learn how to play guitar! I have a guitar, but it's in Germany so I'm not able to play at the moment. The only thing I can play is "Hänschen Klein", a simple german kids song. :D
And I like to surf. In the last holidays I was in Cornwall (that's in England) and I had my first surflesson there. It was fun, so I'd like to surf here in California, too, and hopefully I'm getting better. Because in Munich ( a City in Germany) there's a wave in the Isar, called the "Munich Wave", where you can also surf, but only when you're really good.
I do this since I was a child. I started with ballet, like many little girls. :) Then I changed to Jazz Dance and later to hiphop. That's what I like best and I'm still doing it today. The last year I tried ballet again, but I found out that it is not my thing and so I stopped it. I think if you want to be good in dancing ballet you have to start in childhood and do it constantly.
Taking Pictures
I'm into that for like two or three years now. I love taking pictures with friends but also from interesting things or landscapes, cities, other people, styles... But actually my camera is not working so I'd like to have a new one, but the really good ones are expensive.. And I'd like to get an instant camera, because I think it's cool to have the pictures printed  immediately. And because the film's so expensive every photo is special and personally. I also like looking at photos of other young photographers on flickr. This inspires me for my own pictures. I'd really like to become a photographer, but I don't want to take pictures only from weddings or models, like the most do. That's kinda boring.. I'd like to travel around and take the pictures that I want to take. :)

Germany - America:
There are lots of differences between Germany and America. For example the school: My school in Germany is from the 5th to the 12th grade and there are just 600 pupils. So our school is smaller and we do not have that much space for athletics. We have only two little gyms and one running track. That's it. :) We have no swimming pool or a tennis court. I think that's because most students do their sport outside of school in sports clubs. Sport isn't such a school thing like here. It's what you do as a hobby. And in Germany you have to pay money for each sports club. I prefer how it is in America.