Freitag, 9. September 2011

CE: Houses build for nothing !

I chose this video as my current event post, because I think it's so weird that they're building houses and now no one lives there! So, for what reason did they build them? As investments, ha, that's sick. I mean there are so many people in our world who have no home. So why, please, don't they build houses for them? Where this people need them! Well, on one hand I think it's a good idea to build a city in the desert, to use this space, but on the other hand: How get they water there? I think this is really money consuming and I'm not sure if it's useful. But doing all these expenditures and now this city is EMPTY is not just wasteful, it's rediciolus, because the houses won't look new forever! If no one's living there they will expire. There are so many people in need and I really can't understand why some rich guys let build houses as investments instead of helping those people! I don't want to imagine how much this project costed and how much work was needed and all this for nothing!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hey! I wrote a response post to this :
