Freitag, 30. September 2011

ME: The Definitive Characteristic Of Humanity

What differs us from other creatures? That's a good question, but not easy to answer.
I would say that the definitive characteristic of humanity is that we are led by our emotions.
Everything we do is because of a feeling.
Of course also other creatures like animals have feelings. They feel pain if they are injured and feel hungry when they have nothing to eat. But they aren't led by their feelings, they are led by their instincts.
We make decisions by our feelings. For example has someone planned to study in his hometown, but now he suddenly realizes that he would like to see the world and concludes thereupon to work and travel one year in Australia first.
Other creatures, I'm comparing with animals, because they are most similar to humans, would never do this. They act - like I already said- on their instincts. They eat when they are hungry, sleep when they are tired and they are looking for a shelter when it's getting cold and they make a hibernating or move to the south. Not because they're got the travel bug, but to survive.
For the human from my example would it be more convenient to stay in his hometown, he has enough to eat, his family and a roof over his head. And nevertheless he goes away, because he craves for something new.
We humans dream and plan. We let us guide by our feelings and do things against all rationality and without any pretended sense only because of a feeling.
A picture can bring us to tears and a sunbeam to sing.
We don't live, like animals, only in the present, even if we would like to do it like "Live the moment". We always think of what was and what will be.
When we live in a rainy, grey town just the thought of a sunset at Pacific can make us happy.
When the human can't have something he imagines it or draws it and can also be satisfied with it.
At one morning we stand up and feeld bad and then we have a bad day and nothing works out the way it should. At the next morning we wake up and we are in a good mood and at once everything everything works. Because we are dependent on our emotions, they are a part of us and they are this what distinguishes us from other creatures.
Through our emotions we are capable of incredible things. Of hate, jealousy or revenge one human is able to kill another and at the same time he can love a human so much that we give him (or her) everything.
Our feelings let us do wonderful but also cruel things. Often because of the feelings to another human, or else the pursuit of power and wealth. We know that we have enough to live in comfort and nevertheless says our feeling that we could have more. And some people want this and enforce it.
When animals have a hideout, that is big enough for them, they would never come to the idea to draw on a second or third one.
But unlike animals, that are addicted to their instincts, do we have rationality. We can, based on our knowledge and our experience, picture the effects of an action and decide against it.
But we can use this also in a negative way, if we for example, have hunger we can abort it, because we have the feeling that we are too thick. Or we have the need to sleep, but we can resist the fatigue, because we want to party. This can go so far that a human dies. But that are extreme situations, naturally our emotions lead us the right way, 'cause the human is a life form, he wants to live and have a nice life. What that means depends on each individual human.
A piece of chocolate can make us happy, the smile of a friend gives us courage and a song makes us dance.
Another wonderful character of the human is the feeling of hope. We can go way for miles and miles, because we believe in something/someone bigger ans because of that we feel better, because we're hoping.
Even in desperate situations we can keep alive 'cause the feeling of hope don't let us give in.
Even if there's nothing, precisely nothing, the human can carry on, because there's a light in us, hope, and it leads us.
Dreaming, planning, hoping. That are the wonderful characters of humans.
All our thoughts and actions are led by our emotions. That's what I think is the definitive character of humanity.

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