Mittwoch, 7. September 2011

BE: About Me

Hi Everybody! Welcome to my Blog. I'm Lotta. My whole name is Carlotta, but I'd like to be called Lotta. :) I'm from Germany, but I'm staying in the US for half a year. So my writing goal for this year is to get better in English! ;)

My hobbies are dancing hiphop, listening to music, playing piano and taking pictures.
I'd like to learn how to play guitar! I have a guitar, but it's in Germany so I'm not able to play at the moment. The only thing I can play is "Hänschen Klein", a simple german kids song. :D
And I like to surf. In the last holidays I was in Cornwall (that's in England) and I had my first surflesson there. It was fun, so I'd like to surf here in California, too, and hopefully I'm getting better. Because in Munich ( a City in Germany) there's a wave in the Isar, called the "Munich Wave", where you can also surf, but only when you're really good.
I do this since I was a child. I started with ballet, like many little girls. :) Then I changed to Jazz Dance and later to hiphop. That's what I like best and I'm still doing it today. The last year I tried ballet again, but I found out that it is not my thing and so I stopped it. I think if you want to be good in dancing ballet you have to start in childhood and do it constantly.
Taking Pictures
I'm into that for like two or three years now. I love taking pictures with friends but also from interesting things or landscapes, cities, other people, styles... But actually my camera is not working so I'd like to have a new one, but the really good ones are expensive.. And I'd like to get an instant camera, because I think it's cool to have the pictures printed  immediately. And because the film's so expensive every photo is special and personally. I also like looking at photos of other young photographers on flickr. This inspires me for my own pictures. I'd really like to become a photographer, but I don't want to take pictures only from weddings or models, like the most do. That's kinda boring.. I'd like to travel around and take the pictures that I want to take. :)

Germany - America:
There are lots of differences between Germany and America. For example the school: My school in Germany is from the 5th to the 12th grade and there are just 600 pupils. So our school is smaller and we do not have that much space for athletics. We have only two little gyms and one running track. That's it. :) We have no swimming pool or a tennis court. I think that's because most students do their sport outside of school in sports clubs. Sport isn't such a school thing like here. It's what you do as a hobby. And in Germany you have to pay money for each sports club. I prefer how it is in America.

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