Donnerstag, 22. September 2011

CE: Google+ vs Facebook

Goole+ contra facebook, the big fight in the cyber world. I don't really care about this, but I use google a lot and the last time I opened it, there was a link for Google+, the new social network offered by google. When I'm on the internet I have always an open side from google, mostly google translator, google reader & blogger and also my homepage is But I'm not a member of Google+ and I think I won't be. Actually I'm against social networks, because I think who you are there, that's not the real you and people sometimes seem so different when you just look at their pages. But now that I'm far away from all my friends in Germany I'm glad to be on facebook, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to stay in contact with them. I also use skype, of course, but cause of the time difference I'm able to skype with them only weekends. In the video it says that Google+ offers a video call for up to ten people for free, but I'm not sure if it really works that well... well I think I won't use Google+, but I said the same about facebook and now I have it, so... But I prefer writing letters and postcards even if it takes more time, because it's more personal.

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