Donnerstag, 15. September 2011

RE: My Future

"Some people have their futures planned out and know exactly what they're going to do after high school. Then there are the people who don't even want to think about their future till Senior year."

That's a good topic to write about. I already thought about my future, but I don't know excatly what I'm going to do after high school. Well, nobody knows, life hardly ever goes the way you planned it. So I'd like to study at a university in London, even though I know that's hard and expensive. I haven't caught up on anything yet, but I love the city and the people there. Another wish for my future is to travel around the world. I'd like to see Ireland, Norway, Finland, Greece, Rome, Amsterdam, India, Canada, New York, Iceland, Africa and Luxembourg. And I'd like to work and travel in Australia for one year after school. You see, there are so many ways I'd like to go and it'll probably be different anyway. So after I've gained experiences and got to know other cultures and languages I would like to move to Sweden and start a family there. And my children should be educated bilingually. :) Well, right now I'm glad to be in America and the things I want to do next are getting finally 16 and enjoying my life!

2 Kommentare:

  1. It sounds like you'd like to be an exchange student!!! It's great that you have so much you know you want to do at a young age!
