Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

BC: Live Each Day As If It Is Your Last

 "If you life each day as if it was your last, someday you'll certainly be right."

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to losa, You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
Steve Jobs

I agree with Jobs' advice in so far that I think you should always follow your heart. You should not do anything just because you don't want to hurt someone, when you don't feel good with it. Because your life is about you and it's only yourself who can make you happy.
But I also disagree with "live each day as if it is your last", because if you would do just what you want every day you couldn't build up something. But that's one of the humans special characters, that we can plan. We can look on our future and decide to do something we don't like for a goal we want to reach. So this wouldn't make us happy today but in the future. Well, of course we don't know what will happen, maybe we are dead the next day. But we don't know and I think it's fine as it is. When I would know my last day I would just be in panic all the time. I would think: I want to do this and this and this and what if I can't accomplish it anymore? I couldn't enjoy my life;  I would be scared and under time pressure.
But I think this isn't what Jobs wants to say with this quote.
So if  I started following his advice tomorrow I would learn about myself what I really want. I often think about my situation, if I do everything right and what I really want to achieve in my life. And then I mostly start working for it. But I have some days, like probably everyone, where I can't pick myself up. I just want to sleep and I tell myself tomorrow's another day, another start. Today is one of those days... And I know it would be better to work for the things you want right now, but there are so many things that try to hold us back.
Self-doubt, incertitude, fear of embarrasment or failure...
So to say "live now, tomorrow you can be dead" is one way to help you think of what you really want and then work for it, but it's not my favourite quote. It's kind of negative. I need to be able to look forward to something. That helps me, but it's probably different from person to person.
But I would definitely give the advice "follow your heart" to people about how to make the big choices in life, because like I already said, it's your life and you are responsible for you to make you happy.

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