Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

CE: Trouble in Germany

The discovery of a firebomb on rail tracks in Berlin has increased fears of renewed attacks by left-wing groups in Germany. Security at railway stations has been stepped up following the discovery of the sixteenth explosive device in nine locations in less than a week. Hundreds of trains have been delayed because of partial shutdowns, but there have been no injuries. A previously unknown leftist group claimed responsibility for the bomb, saying they were protesting against Germany's military involvement in Afghanistan and the country's role as an arms exporter.

When I discovered this video I was a bit scared, because it happened in my homecountry and there's my family and my friends. But I'm glad to here that nobody's hurt (yet). Often newspapers just write about stuff like that to cause a sensation and there's more panic than actually has to be, but I think the situation itself (maybe even more the reason behind it, the military involvement in Afghanistan) is serious.
At school in Germany we had a lecture about Afghanistan from an organisation that is against sending troops there. They are committed to help them but without arms. I was really impressed by the organisation, because it was started by a family and they went to Afghanistan themselves during war and with their children. The man helped as a doctor with a secret practice under the earth and the woman as a teacher. One time they lived next to Osama bin Laden. They lived in peace with everyone, also the Taliban, and nobody ever tried to hurt them. Far from it, they welcomed them. And so, like the woman who gives the lecture, they got to know the culture of the Afghans. And even if I don't think that everything's that good what they think and do, everyone should deal with it. And it's of course a better way to go to Afghanistan and help the people build up their country again by vet and teach them and doning just the help they want and not by sending armed troops!

Well, this was mostly about the backround and not the actual situation in Germany, but it's better to deal with a subject than just running scared.

1 Kommentar:

  1. I strongly agree with you here...I'm really sick of being stuck in these foreign wars where it seems so obvious that the problems we're trying to solve CANNOT be solved militarily.

    Also, I love the last part of the last sentence: "it's better to deal with a subject than just running scared."
