Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011

CE: Undocumented

Should "illegal immigrants" acquire citizenship? That's a difficult topic, but it is clear that something has to change. It can't last like it is at the moment, that's not good for anybody. I'm not well versed in this, but as far as I know some people in the US want to leave the immegrants, who are mostly Mexicans, for various reasons. Firstly because they think that there are already too many unemployed persons in the United States and that the immigrants take away the work from them. Other Americans say that the immigrants should stay because they do the work they don't want to do. And framers want the immigrants to stay, because they work harder for less money. That's particularly because of the different life circumstances: when you work for 5 dollars a day, you're rich in their eyes, but in the US that's worth nothing. And that's it! You can not live on five dollars a day! So the situation now (as far as I know, maybe I'm wrong) is that the immigrants work hard, apparently do the work others don't want to do, and get nothing but a more than unfair fee for it. So as long as they are needed here they can stay and work, but are not allowed to live and then suddenly they have to go back to the country they came from. And that's of course not okay.
And it is right that "we are all immigrants" like protastans said, because the people who actually lived in America are less than 1% of the current population. But, however the situation looks really like at the moment, the youth must not have to pay for it!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Immigrants I think should have to acquire citizenship just like everyone else. People living here illegally who are incapable of, or not moving to become legal can't stay. That's just the way it is in this country.
    That's only America. I think Canada is quite welcoming to new citizens as they struggle with a tiny population to begin with.
    I'm not advocating America's "we'll destroy other countries' economies, and then deny their afflicted peoples entry to our country" philosophy, but America has its own problems.
    Personally the "job-stealing immigrants" argument disturbs me. Maybe the immigrants can do jobs better than you can, hmm? If that's not the case, and they're hired because they work for cheaper, maybe we need to enforce minimum wage and equal pay laws to level the field.
    I don't know, there are definitely viable solutions to this problem that won't hurt anyone.
