Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

RE: Always Look At The Bright Side Of Life

"Do not let unnecessary problems ruin your day. Keeping a positive attitude creates a healthy mind. The real difference between happy positive people and unhappy negative people is their willingness to change and adjust their attitudes in any and every situation. Life goes on. Keep it moving."

What Cassandra wrote in her post is absolutely true. This is the second time that I write the post, because when I had finished it the first time I forgot to save it and everything was gone. Urgh. But then I remembered about what I had written and so I stayed calm and wrote it again. :)
One of the reasons why I wanted to go to California was that my life in Germany was kind of routine. Nothing really changed. I don't want to say that my life was bad or boring, it was just...general.
I'm thankful to be here now, because I found my groove again and I rediscovered my home new.
At the moment I am full of new ideas and plans and I hope I can keep this. It is good to get out sometime. Here in California the people have another, but great attitude. Just chill and enjoy your life. I hope I can take this back to Germany. I've learned again how sunny and beautiful life is, also the weather. :)
But back to the quote. You shouldn't hold yourself up just because of little problems or accidents.
The joy is not in the things, it's in us! You can discover something new everywhere and sometimes you just have to get out of your habits and the daily routine. Also when something didn't turn out like you wanted it, you musn't stay in a bad mood but look forward. It helps me when I tell myself again and again: Every day is a new beginning!

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