Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

CE: Occupy Protests

I was looking for something to write about when I found this post: Occupy protests continue across the globe
I never heard about Occupy before we watched a video in class and I wasn't sure if I really get what it is about so I looked it up on the internet.
So as far as I know now it started on Septmeber 19 this year with a demonstration in New York City initiated by the Canadian avtivist group Adbusters. The protest was inspired by the Arab Spring movement and it was mainly against social and ecnonomic inequality, cooperate greed and the influence of corporate money. By October 9, similar demonstrations had been held in many major cities in the US and on October 15, the Global Day of Protest, demonstrated about 100,000 people all over the world. Other Occupy protests have modeled themselves after Occupy Wall Street in over 900 cities worldwide.
"Occupy" protests commonly use the slogan We are the 99% and organize through websites such as "Occupy Together".
Now around 250 demonstrators set up a camp in London outside St. Paul's Cathedral.
Jane McIntyre, one of the protestants said: "People are saying enough is enough, we want a real democracy, not one that is based on the interests of big business and the banking system."
I saw the demonstration in San Francisco on Saturday and I think it's good to do something.
I'm impressed that so many people worldwide protesting!

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