Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011

RE: Homecoming

When I saw Leonie's post about Homecoming Day I decided to write about it. It was a great experience and I never saw something like this before! Everyone wore the colors of his/her grade and the assembly in the new gym was awesome. :D I didn't get all what was said, but it was fun and I was screaming like half an hour. It was pretty cool that everyone accided. The whole week was fun, I particulary liked the monday and wednesday motto. It is a pity that we don't have something like that in Germany! And even if we had a motto, I'm pretty sure that not everyone would join in. The coolest thing we had at my school was the "Abistreich". It's a day where the seniors play a trick on the teachers. It's mostly not that special, but one time they filled the atrium (it's a schoolyard, built like an amphitheater) with water and we all went with clothes into it. It was fun! Back to homecoming. It's so cool that I was able to experience like a real american homecoming, I felt like I was in a movie or something. :D The homecoming game was nice too.

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